Tech for the Non-Techie: My Fun Journey with a Tech Club Membership

Oct 15, 2024

So, confession time—I am not tech-savvy. I have sent emails to the wrong group of people more than once & been unable to unmute myself on zoom too many times to count.  In fact, the thought of learning what the buttons meant in my Zoom back office or trying to actually locate my Google docs used to have me breaking out in hives. But seriously, a few months ago I signed up for Betsy Sabatini’s Virtual Business Collective Membership on Zoom. I look forward to learning in every session I hop on. If I have learned anything as I am trying to navigate the rebranding of my business- it is the importance of capitalizing on the tools that can help my business soar. I am getting more from this membership than any private coaching session in the past. 

Let me tell you, it's been a game-changer in the best possible way! I have been in courses with Betsy over the years and love her teaching style. I have always felt intimidated by all things “computer” but since I already knew Betsy was an incredibly patient human & phenomenal teacher- I dove into the membership. Let me tell you- I NEVER feel stupid, which is my greatest fear with technology.  Honestly, she’s empowering me to do more than I ever thought was possible on the computer. I am confident that one day If I listen to her, I might be also as savvy as her in some tech areas. 

For just $97 a month, I’ve gone from "Wait, how do I unmute?" to actually feeling kinda like a tech wizard (okay, a baby wizard, but still)! Betsy breaks everything down so simply that even I’m keeping up—and that’s saying something.

Many of you know I get excited about a good pair of cowboy boots, right? Well, now add to that excitement- tech toys that make my life on the computer so much easier! Once my son convinced me to go with 2 monitors (of course, with Betsy's blessing!)- my computer time was maximized. The switch to dual monitors has simplified so many of my projects. In addition to my dual monitor system, I am currently adding some tools that I have to share with you! If you need some help with online courses/teachings or just to help simplify your computer set-up:

  1. Elgato Streamdeck Mini – I don’t know how I lived without this! It’s like having a magic button for everything. Press a button, and your computer just does things—open apps, launch websites, you name it. It’s ridiculously fun!
    ➡️ Check it out here
  2. Okiocam S-4K – Think old school projector but modernized. If you ever need to show something on video but still look professional for Zoom calls (because, yes, pants are optional, but good video quality isn’t), this camera works like a projector. It’s your new best friend. Seriously, it’s SO easy to use. I am old school so the fancy whiteboards I can use on Zoom-I haven’t quite mastered- so this seems more old school to me. I have a friend who uses it for her tutoring Math zoom calls to work out problems with her students. It’s pretty cool.
    ➡️ Find it here
  3. Anker 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub – More USB ports = more places to plug in your gadgets. Anyone else have a hard time getting up after crawling under your desk to unplug stuff. This gadget is a win-win.
    ➡️ Grab it here

And of course, Betsy Sabatini is the real MVP here. She’s the super tech-savvy friend I didn’t know I needed, but now can’t live without. If she can help me understand this stuff, then trust me, she’s got you too.

Wanna join me while I work out my tech fears? I’m on a path to greatness friends, and Betsy is helping me get there.  You will not believe all the stuff she has taught me! It doesn’t just include Zoom. I can actually locate my Google Docs efficiently! It’s amazing. You pay each month- cancel when you need to. Seriously, it is like having a tech assistant in my back pocket. Join me in Betsy Sabatini’s tech club, The Virtual Business Collective. I promise after one month, you will be thanking me! There are live classes each week if you can attend and then an entire library of content. It’s the BEST deal around. You won’t regret it.

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